About Us

Our Mission

Our mission is to implement nature-based solutions at scale through regenerative agriculture and agroforestry.

Our Beliefs

The topic of the environment has achieved a more pronounced awareness in the discourse of our society at large. Climate change, including loss of biodiversity and degradation of our water and soil, looms as a concern of large consequence for many, igniting a recalibration of our priorities. This recalibration has placed a brighter spotlight on the importance of environmental, social and corporate governance perspectives to complement the business view.

Our Impact

CrannMor’s mission is to establish a new and emergent farm model, with a particular focus on agroforestry, that can serve as an inspiration to scale the potential environmental and social benefits of regenerative agriculture and nature-based solutions, including carbon sequestration, increased biodiversity, nutrient-dense food, and improved land capacity to hold water. This also brings the potential to introduce new crops and increase rural employment and economic activity. 

Our Company In Depth

Our vision is to leverage the productivity and efficiency of regenerative agriculture practices to implement nature based solutions while generating business success through agroforestry: perennial crop agriculture that leverages natural systems through the intelligent design of a more sustainable and resilient ecosystem.